Why Search is Important for your WooСommerce Shop

Don't think that search is useful for your shop?

In this post I will try to explain you why its useful and how it can help you to increase your sales. Get ready!

First of all lets try to understand why you need search at all? Well, as all we know, search is needed to find something. 🙂 Hello captain!

But without the jokes it is so. If you have small shop it's not so important ( perhaps all your products can be displayed on one page ). But if you have the big one its will be the problem to find needed product without built-in search.

Advantages of having a search in your WordPress shop

1. User experience

In our fast-growing world time is matter like never before. If client spend much time to find needed product and don't find it in most cases he will leave your shop and try to find product in other shops. Every minute is matters.

So it is very important to give them ability to search in fast and simple way.

2. Increase sales

When client search for some products he will also see other related products in search results. Its increase the chance that user will buy also some other staff that he need or that just attract his attention.

Or another situation - many search engines has suggestions option. If even customer doesn't find what he need he can be interested in search suggestions and select some products from them.

That how search can help you to sell more and to increase your profit.

3. Client support

Search can be like the shop assistant for you clients. Instead of calling, chat or emailing you to ask their questions they can search for products or information that they want by themselves.

Back side of search

The disadvantages of search is that the poor quality search can lead to lost revenue. If clients are unable to receive an accurate result for their search, most general they will leave your shop without purchasing.

And even worst: its create bad user experience and big chances that he will not visited your shop again. Or even write a negative review or share their bad experiences some other way.

That's why all most popular online retailers has good search with strong functionality. And you must follow their example. Good search is not option, it is must-have for all online shops.


Search is matters. If you want to built popular, profitable shop with WooCommerce search is what you must think for the first time. And Advanced Woo Search WordPress product search plugin can help you with this.



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