Smart Sorting

Advanced Woo Search sorts search results based on the priority of the sources ( title, content, sku, etc. ) in which the search words were found.

Sort product by relevance

Sorting product search results by relevance, which depends on which product field ( title, content, sku, etc. ) the search word was found in, as well as the number of times each word is repeated
Sort product by relevance

Relevance score

Relevance score value is different for each product field. For example, Title, SKU and ID have the highest one. Content, Categories, Tags, etc. has the smaller score values.
If a word occurs in several fields at once - the results are summed up.
Relevance score

Change relevance scores

It is also possible to change relevance scores by using custom code snippets together with such built-in hooks like aws_relevance_scores.
Change relevance scores

Full and partial match

The search works even with partial matches of search words. In this case, the value of the relevance score will be lower than in case of a full match of words.
Full and partial match


Can I somehow set my own ordering rules?

Yes. It is possible with some custom code snippets. Please find some examples here.

Can I set more relevance to specific products?

For now this is possible only via some special code snippets. Take a closer look at php filters like aws_search_query_string and aws_search_results_products_ids that you can use.

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