Users search

Search for WordPress users and display them inside the search results box. 

Enable user search right from the plugin search form settings page.
Users search

Choose users roles

Choose what role the user must have to be available for searching.
Choose users roles

Display users

Show users right inside the search results box.

It is possible to display user name, avatar, link and bio. With some custom code snippets you can display any additional information.

Display users

Filter users

Exclude/include users archive pages search results based on parameters like user name, user role, user products count, etc.
More about search results filters.
Filter users


Can I show in search results only users and hide all products?

Yes, it is possible. For this you need to use a plugin exclude filter.

Can I search only for users with specific user roles?

Yes, inside the plugin settings page it is possible to choose user roles that will be available for search.

Will this work with my plugin that creates custom user roles?

Yes, if your plugin creates any custom user role then it is possible to enable searching for such users and show them inside search results.

How can I display additional user data?

You can do this by using some custom code snippets. Please find some examples here.

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Purchase pro version

Read about differences between free and pro versions here.