Improve your users search experience with advanced WooCommerce products search.
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Search for words inside product title.
Search for words inside product content.
Search for words inside product excerpt.
Search for products via their categories or tags names.
Search for products via SKU number.
Search for the product via its ID number.
Search for products via unique numbers.
Search for products via their attributes.
Search for products via their custom taxonomies names.
Search for products via their custom fields.
Hide or display product image, title, description, price, categories, tags, sku, rating, stock status, sale badge, featured badge, attributes etc.
Use custom css styles to create unique designs for your search results.
Display add to cart button for each product in search results.
Choose from several pre-defined search results layouts.
Search and display product categories archive pages.
Search and display product tags archive pages.
Search and display product taxonomies archive pages. Choose exactly what taxonomies must be available for search.
Search and display product global attributes archive pages. Choose what exactly attributes must be available for search.
Search for shop users and display them inside search results. Search for all users or only with specific user roles.
Search for variable products and display them inside the search results list.
Search for product variations and display them. Each variation can be shown with attributes that relate to this variation.
Display the list of attributes that was used to create variations near each variable product.
Search for products by their attributes.
Create search results filters based on product attributes.
Exclude/include products search results based on different parameters like product name, taxonomy, attributes, custom fields, etc.
Exclude/include archive pages search results by filter rules like taxonomy name, taxonomy terms, terms products count, taxonomy hierarchy type, etc.
Exclude/include users archive pages search results based on parameters like user name, user role, user products count, etc.
Create complex logic behind filter rules by combining them into AND and OR logical groups.
Use filter rules together with search form filter buttons. For example, create a filter button so the users can search for products only from specific categories.
Supports plugins like WPML, Polylang, qTranslate, WooCommerce Multilingual.
Products in the search results will be displayed in language that is active for your user.
Show product price inside search results in the currency that was set for the current language.
All search results are sorted by priority of the sources where they were found.
Search form that will work without additional configuration with almost all WordPress themes.
There are no limits in the number of products that you can search for.
Exclude some frequently used words from the search via a special plugin option.
This plugin supports shortcodes and widgets. This means that you can place a search box anywhere you want.
Display search results not only inside ajax box but in a separated search results page.
Download free version from repository.
Read about differences between free and pro versions here.