How to create and use different search form instances.
Plugin gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of search form instances.
Each instance is fully independent and has its own unique id that will be needed to display search form via shortcode or widget.
Think about each instance as a fully independent search form with its own set of settings.
Different search form instances
Each search form can have its own unique styles and layout.
Search from 1
Search from 2
Also search results for each of such search forms can also be different: they can have unique styles, data to display and, of course, different search results depending on specified search results filters for each of the instances.
Search results for search form 1
Search results for search form 2
Here are the steps to create different search form instances:
1. Open plugin main settings page. At the top you will see a table with all available search form instances. By default you will see only one main form.
Table of search form instances
2. To create a new instance just click on Add New Form button below the table. Additionally, you can click Copy button to create a copy of an existing instance with the same settings inside.
Create a new search form instance
3. After this you should see a newly created search form instance inside the current table. Click on Edit icon near the needed instance to access its settings.
Edit created search form instance
4. On the next page you can set any needed settings for your current search form instance. Change the view of your search form, customize search results view, set search sources, set search results filters, etc. Here you have unlimited possibilities to modify the current search form instance and create unique features for it
If you no longer need some of the instances you can delete it by clicking on the Delete button on the right corner.