
Synonyms word feature and how to use it.

In this article

Set-up synonyms option

Plugin has built-in support for synonyms. From the plugin settings page it is possible to set groups of synonyms. All words inside each group will be equal during the search.

Example: you set synonyms group box, housing, unit, package and search for package words. In this case in the search results will be displayed all products that contain at least one of the words from the group.

Synonyms groups settings.

Synonyms settings


Synonyms support example

When setting synonyms each of the groups must be on a separated text line. Synonym words must be separated by commas. Also after each change in synonyms option you will need to re-index plugin table.

Note: it is recommended not to set too many synonyms. This can lead to a sharp increase of plugin index tables.

It is also possible to set as synonyms not only words but also full phrases.

Example: let's set synonyms album, memory book. In this case when someone will search for memory book he will also see all products that contain album words.

Synonyms phrases support.

Synonyms phrases support.

Synonyms with AND search logic support

Synonyms feature works great with AND search logic. AND search means than in the search results will be shown only products that contain all words from the search query.