Learn how to solve most common problems with Product Filter by WBW plugin.
In this article, we will cover several ways to resolve issues related to integrating the Product Filter by WBW plugin.
Problems with this plugin may arise when you use its filter widgets on the search results page that displays results from the Advanced Woo Search plugin.
The most common problems include:
1. Filters are not working and always display all product results.
2. Filters are not working and always display an empty results page.
The causes of these issues can vary, as can the solutions for resolving them. Below, we will cover the most common ones.
One reason why filters may not work correctly with the Advanced Woo Search plugin could be the enabled Filtering By Variations Attributes option.
You can find this option inside the filters settings page under Options -> Content tab.
Filtering By Variations Attributes option
Locate this option and turn it off. Then, check your filters on the search results page again.