Product variations inside the plugin search results.
AWS PRO plugin version has an option to choose what product types to display inside search results: only variable product, variable product and its variations or only product variations.
This can be set from the plugin settings page.
Plugin options for variable products display
So if choosing a second or third option value then inside plugin search results will display all product variations that match user search query.
By clicking on such products inside search results users will be redirected to products with filled product attributes which correspond to this product variation
Add to cart button will also work fine with these variations - to the user cart will be added that variation and not the parent product.
Search results box with product variations
Plugin search results page also can display such product variations.
Search results page with product variations inside
Product variations inherit all content of its parent product and also can have their own short description than can be set from the Variations edit tab. This means that when searching for some words that are presented inside parent product content then all variations of this product will be shown as search results. It is also possible to change this behavior and search only inside variations short description, attributes or SKUs.