Show only products with images

Learn how to set filters to show only products with images for search results.

In this article


In this article, we will cover how to show inside plugin search results only products that have images.

Search results that only have products with images

Search results that only have products with images

Such an option is very useful if you want to show only products with all possible details for your shop users to grab their attention and increase the conversion rate.

Note: This article explains how to filter out product search results based on their image appearance. If you just want to show/hide images for search results, please read this article.

Set up option to show only products with images

To show only products with images in search results, simply follow these steps:

1. Open the plugin settings page -> Search Results tab.

2. Scroll down to the Filter Results section.

Filter Results section

Filter Results section

3. Click on Filter products search results to create a new filtering rule.

4. Create the following rule:

Product has image -> equal to -> Yes

Filtering rule to show only products with images

Filtering rule to show only products with images

5. Save the new settings and check your search results.

We are done! Now, search results will only display products that have images and hide all others.

Advanced: Show only products with images for mobile

Let's look at a more advanced example: showing only products with images in search results on mobile devices while displaying all available products on desktop devices.

To do this, we need to add an additional filtering rule to detect mobile devices.

Here are the steps to create such a search results filter:

1. Open the plugin settings page -> Search Results tab.

2. Scroll down to the Filter Results section.

Filter Results section

Filter Results section

3. Click on Filter products search results to create a new filtering rule.

4. Create the following rule:

Product has image -> equal to -> Yes AND
Current user device -> equal to -> Mobile

Filtering rule to show only products with images on mobile devices

Filtering rule to show only products with images on mobile devices

5. Save all settings and check your search results.

Now, open your shop on a mobile device and check the search results—it must contain only products that have images.