Search and display variable products and their variations.
Plugin works not only with simple WooCommerce products, but with variable products as well.
Variable products are a product type in WooCommerce that lets you offer a set of variations on a product. For example different t-shirt colors or sizes can be set as product variations.
You can read how to create product variations here.
There is no need for some extra work in order to make variable products work with search plugin. When you create a variable product and save it, it will already be in the plugin index table and can be displayed in search results.
That's how variable products look in search results:
Variable products in search results
In this example color and size - product attributes. Based on them was created a set of product variations with different t-shirt color and size.
Also it is possible to search for variable products by data from its variations. For example, search for a variable product by SKU number of one of its variations.
Anyway, if you don't want to display variations you can hide them from search results with the help of the plugin settings page.
With the PRO plugin version it is additionally possible to search and display product variations. More about this feature you can read here: Product variations.
Product variations search and disaply
Plugin will show all product variations with its attributes values, image and description. Additionally it is possible to display an Add to Cart button for each of such products.
If you want to exclude some variations based on attributes, prices, quantity, etc. you can use search results filters options.