Learn about how you can use Advanced Woo Search together with WOOF plugin filters.
WooCommerce Products Filter (WOOF) plugin allows your site customers filter products by categories, attributes, products tags, products custom taxonomies and price.
Advanced Woo Search has built-in support for WOOF plugin.
1. Create products filters
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products filter page and set-up necessary product filter. Don't forget to check the box near each filter type that you want to be active.
WOOF plugin settings page
2. Add filters to search results page
Add these filters to your theme search results template. The simplest way to do that is to use a built-in widget. Just navigate to Appearance -> Widgets and find WOOF - WooCommerce Products Filter widget. Drag and drop this widget to the needed widget area that is presented in your theme search results page.
Also for this widget you can specify some additional settings like displayed title and description, submit button, autosubmit and some other filter behavior options.
WOOF plugin widget
3. Enable search page support for the plugin results
Also make sure that search results page output is enabled for your AWS search form. Just navigate to the plugin settings page -> General tab and make sure that Enable results page option is enabled.
Option to enabled search results page
4. Done!
All is set and now you can use WOOF filters that will be visible on your products search results page.
Search results page with WOOF filters
The WOOF plugin gives options to create different filter types: radio, checkbox, drop-down, multi drop-down. You can filter your product by visibility, attributes, categories, tags, price. No matter what filter type you create and how you decide to filter your products - Advanced Woo Search integration will work with any of these filters.
WOOF plugin filter types
WOOF plugin gives the option to choose what filter behavior to choose: with page reload and without it ( AJAX ). So it is no matter what filtering type you choose - integration with Advanced Woo Search will work in any way.
WOOF plugin options
With the Advanced Woo Search PRO version it is possible to display product variations inside the search results. If you enable this feature then when using WOOF filters product variations will be also filtered based on selected conditions.